Marketing Poster

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1-Create a poster to promote for a product or brand
2-The brand name that I have chosen is Yamaha race motorbikes. Or you can choose a brand name of your choice if you think you will do better. But let me know before you choose.
3-See the examples of posters that I have attached and see the Coles company poster example and something similar as Coles.
4-Apply the marketing concept [i.e., the giga concept of marketing] and the 3 mega-concepts [the buyer decision process, the total product concept, and the circle of satisfaction] to the poster.
5-So you will need to address Company Mission. Circle of satisfaction. Buyer decision process. Products layers. Product components. Product considerations.
6-The poster size should be A2 [42cm X 59.4cm].
7-Choose appropriate colours.
8-Read the assignment instructions carefully please

Case study: Academic poster
Due Date: Week 7 in-class and uploaded via Blackboard
Assessment value: Worth 40 marks
Save as: A1-student number [e.g., A1-100100100]
Lecturer’s objectives for this assessment: Gain an understanding of the e-text and unit materials in section 1 and 2. Synthesise
theories and concepts and develop a holistic understanding of marketing. Develop desktop publishing skills. Contribute to the collective
learning of the class. Be able to overcome the challenges of the assessment. Meet assessment deadlines. Have a document that adds to
the student portfolio.
Assessment task: Students are required to produce a visual representation of their learning [e-text sections 1 and 2]. Visual
representations of marketing topics are a common feature of academic marketing conferences [e.g., Australian New Zealand marketing
academic conference- ANZMAC]. Visual representations are also referred to as ‘academic conference posters’ or as ‘academic posters’.
Academic posters are generally submitted when a study is in progress. Academic posters have a number of benefits. Creating an
academic poster is a learning process. The learning happens as the creator of the academic poster makes sense of a topic and develops
a visual representation of their understanding. This process clarifies thinking, assists memory and improves communication. There is an
extra benefit; people viewing an academic poster are able to comprehend a lot of information quickly. At academic conferences there is
generally the opportunity to discuss the academic posters with the creators; this encounter creates learning for the creator [as they explain
their findings to different viewers] and the viewer [who is introduced to another perspective] – we will provide a similar opportunity in week
WARNING: this is not a ‘Point of Purchase’ poster to promote a product.
The page size for the academic poster must be A2 [42cm X 59.4cm]. Page size is important as the page set up needs to be done at the
beginning of the assessment. The orientation of your poster may by portrait or landscape.
WARNING: posters constructed of multiple materials and multiple sheets of paper are not acceptable.
Students are encouraged to discuss the academic poster with Marketing 1600 students from semester 1 & 2 2014, however, keep in mind
that the topic and instructions have changed [last semester’s poster emphasised the total product concept].
Students should demonstrate their knowledge of section 1 & 2.This would include the marketing concept [i.e., the giga concept of
marketing] and the 3 mega-concepts [the buyer decision process, the total product concept, and the circle of satisfaction]. However,
students should ensure that all three time-zones of the buyer are reflected in the poster. To do this, students should select a product and
outline the consumers’ journey through the buyer decision process [HINT: do not ignore the circle of satisfaction]. Students should avoid a
personal account of buying a product. Therefore, it may not necessarily be a product that a student has purchased. It may be a B2B or
B2C product. It may be you place of work. Higher involvement and specialty products are recommended as they provide greater depth.
Students are expected to visit an organisation and to research [discuss and document] the buyer decision process with experienced
buyers and sellers.
Students may select a product of their choice and are encouraged to choose a product of personal interest [for example if you are a
musician you may choose the purchase of a guitar]. Please note, mobile phones, tablet computers, & laptops should be avoided.
Importantly, the primary objective is to demonstrate knowledge of the unit material not knowledge of a product. Students may create a
fictional consumer, one that embodies the characteristics if a “typical consumer”.
Examples of past posters [of various grades] will be shown in class week 2 and via blackboard for off-campus students. Please note that
this is the 3rd poster assessment in a series and the topic has changed for the last two semesters. Although the poster may ‘tell a story’ it
is essential that posters demonstrate the student’s learning of the unit. Therefore, do not undertake an Internet search for material and
neglect the material that has been provided.
An academic poster is a combination of images and text. Desktop publishing software may be used, however, students have achieved ‘top
of class’ results with Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a good choice for students who are unfamiliar with other software packages.
PowerPoint also has a reduce file size function that will facilitate easier uploading. History suggests that Microsoft Word and Apple Pages
should be avoided for this assessment as they are time consuming.
Posters will be marked on evidence of the learning; however, as this is a marketing unit, marks will also be awarded for presentation
[formatting] and creativity.
A marking key will be available on Blackboard.
HINT: A poster that is primarily text is unlikely to be a visual representation of learning [this is not an essay].
HINT: Students may include tables to communicate information.
HINT: Students will be rewarded when they include their own images [photographs, diagrams etc.].
HINT: Due the poor quality of internet images students are advised not to copy and paste images from the Internet.
HINT: Posters should be to a high ‘academic’ standard.
HINT: Students should devote some time each week to this task
HINT: Allow a minimum of 3 working days for printing the poster

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